Uncomplicate your delivery process. Make informed dispatch decisions based on driver’s location. Experience seamless workflow from order creation and making the delivery, to receiving payment and closing the balance. Minimal setup required, all you need is a computer and a smartphone, the rest is history. Request a demo

Modules & Features

Reliable delivery

Your business operates high volumes, is time-sensitive, and strives to provide great customer service. Why struggle trying to meet all these needs?

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Easy system integration

Courier Complete seamlessly integrates with your system in place with minimal setup. Our electronic data interchange (EDI) solution automates manual order entry and reduces document errors by 30%-40%.

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ETA Board

Empower your head office with a central location for your clients with routed work, and for tracking your drivers in the field. In one view, you can monitor multiple routes, their status, the percentage completed, and any significant delays on the road.

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Digital data capture

Equip your drivers with our mobile app, built to do everything! Capture in-field courier processes such as real-time delivery tracking, temperature monitoring, barcode scanning, and signatures.

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Customized integrations

We know that no two courier businesses are alike. This is why we provide custom integrations that are tailored to your immediate requirements and needs.

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Billing & invoicing

Account management made painless! Generate customer invoices and driver settlements in minutes, while keeping comprehensive audit trails and notes.

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Effortless, detailed pricing system that is client-specific. Automate surcharges and tailor pricing to distance, zones, weight, or door-to-door.

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Automated order processing

Process thousands of orders within seconds with minimal data entry and a customized dashboard for scheduled routes.

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Purolator & UPS Tracking

Offer delivery services outside of your local boundary. Integrate with Purolator and UPS, tying in their status updates into a unified system.

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Want to learn more?

“Our immediate ROI with Fleet Complete has been huge. In the past, we may not have even found vehicles for months which would have cost us around $160,000 to replace.” – Terence Schofield, Safety Officer


Tarkvaralahendus, mis võimaldab meil pakkuda oma klientidele paremat teenust”  

Guy Broderick – APPS Transport
Värbaja ja autojuhtide koolitaja


"Yummy Catering on kaasaegne ettevõte, seega soovime, et meie partnerid oleksid samuti innovaatilised. Katsetame alati uusi tehnoloogiaid ja trende, mis aitavad meil olla efektiivsemad. Fleet Complete võimaldab meil pakkuda autojuhtidele igapäevaste tööülesannete täitmiseks innovaatilisi lahendusi."

Leno Cardoso - Yummy Catering


"B&P omab 200 sõiduki suurust autoparki ja meil on üle 400 jälgitava seadme. Meil oli raske kõigil seadmetel silma peal hoida." 

James Hinton - B&P
Tervise ja ohutuse juht


Leiame teie ettevõttele sobiliku lahenduse!

Aitame teid innovaatiliste lahendustega, et saaksite efektiivsemalt autoparki, masinaid ja liikuvat meeskonda juhtida.