Automate your planning of project and service orders with DeskPlan and process them without delay. Gain the optimal management tool that provides real-time cost tracking and progress status of projects to be completed.

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Modules & Features

Optimize your operations

Deskplan is a robust solution designed to automate work order management in one platform and help companies do more business with less resources. Dispatchers can manage work orders for multiple technicians from one screen and have a complete overview of activities in the field.

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Calendar view

All tasks are scheduled by a dispatcher in a comprehensive calendar view in Deskplan. They appear in a chronological order in the driver’s FieldMobile app, helping your in-field employees better manage their day with a clearly defined agenda.

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How it works

DeskPlan is a Fleet Complete program, which is installed locally on a desktop. It automatically synchronizes with the central database, allowing for operational synergy.

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Real-time insight

With real-time insight into your order processing, you will be able to make assessments quickly, facilitate faster production and achieve optimal capacity for your business.

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Key benefits

DeskPlan enables transparent operations and provides the ability to track in-field work, travel and individual activity. You can effectively monitor scheduled tasks and their progress status together with billing hours and project costs.

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Central Data

Synchronization with the central database eliminates the need for master file updates in multiple locations; everything is done centrally.

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Want to learn more?

“Our immediate ROI with Fleet Complete has been huge. In the past, we may not have even found vehicles for months which would have cost us around $160,000 to replace.”
– Terence Schofield, Safety Officer


Tarkvaralahendus, mis võimaldab meil pakkuda oma klientidele paremat teenust”  

Guy Broderick – APPS Transport
Värbaja ja autojuhtide koolitaja


"Yummy Catering on kaasaegne ettevõte, seega soovime, et meie partnerid oleksid samuti innovaatilised. Katsetame alati uusi tehnoloogiaid ja trende, mis aitavad meil olla efektiivsemad. Fleet Complete võimaldab meil pakkuda autojuhtidele igapäevaste tööülesannete täitmiseks innovaatilisi lahendusi."

Leno Cardoso - Yummy Catering


"B&P omab 200 sõiduki suurust autoparki ja meil on üle 400 jälgitava seadme. Meil oli raske kõigil seadmetel silma peal hoida." 

James Hinton - B&P
Tervise ja ohutuse juht


Leiame teie ettevõttele sobiliku lahenduse!

Aitame teid innovaatiliste lahendustega, et saaksite efektiivsemalt autoparki, masinaid ja liikuvat meeskonda juhtida.