Whether you provide same day on-demand services, distribution, scheduled deliveries, dedicated fleet services or all of the above, Fleet Complete Dispatch can help you effectively manage it all.

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Modules & Features

Smart Routing

With our leading-edge GPS technology, you can establish the optimal route to a destination with the ability to make real-time adjustments as new orders come in.

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Automate complex operations

Save time by automating the creation of multi-leg routes and assigning orders to drivers with customized route templates.

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Resource Management

Upload driver’s certifications and licenses, including a notification upon expiry, to tailor your employee’s competencies to customer needs.

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Order Management

This feature will allow you to competently manage orders and deliveries with classifications, profiling and integrated support for barcoded packages and signature captures.

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Multi-Leg Route Customization

Design organized route support with options to specify driver service type per leg and separate settlement amounts per leg.

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Dispatch zones

Auto-assign work by geographical regions for packages, distribution routes and drivers.

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Arrival/Departure tracking

Pickup and delivery with GPS verification.

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Sophisticated billing & pricing modules

Automate complex billing with multiple elements, such as service categories and zoning.

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Get optimal insight into your performance management and run on-demand or scheduled reports.

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Want to learn more?

“Our immediate ROI with Fleet Complete has been huge. In the past, we may not have even found vehicles for months which would have cost us around $160,000 to replace.”
– Terence Schofield, Safety Officer


Tarkvaralahendus, mis võimaldab meil pakkuda oma klientidele paremat teenust”  

Guy Broderick – APPS Transport
Värbaja ja autojuhtide koolitaja


"Yummy Catering on kaasaegne ettevõte, seega soovime, et meie partnerid oleksid samuti innovaatilised. Katsetame alati uusi tehnoloogiaid ja trende, mis aitavad meil olla efektiivsemad. Fleet Complete võimaldab meil pakkuda autojuhtidele igapäevaste tööülesannete täitmiseks innovaatilisi lahendusi."

Leno Cardoso - Yummy Catering


"B&P omab 200 sõiduki suurust autoparki ja meil on üle 400 jälgitava seadme. Meil oli raske kõigil seadmetel silma peal hoida." 

James Hinton - B&P
Tervise ja ohutuse juht


Leiame teie ettevõttele sobiliku lahenduse!

Aitame teid innovaatiliste lahendustega, et saaksite efektiivsemalt autoparki, masinaid ja liikuvat meeskonda juhtida.