Do you manage a first response or a police team? Does your staff often work alone or in remote locations? Are your employees frequently exposed to at-work risks? Fleet Complete’s Personal Tracker helps ensure the safety of personnel, working in danger-prone conditions, with near real-time automatic reporting.
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Employee safety at all times
Fleet Complete’s Personal Tracker is a sophisticated IoT solution that incorporates sensor readings, location tracking and communication technologies. Ideal for lone workers, construction and installation services, emergency response, security and police forces, Personal Tracker delivers full visibility into the well being of your mobile in-field staff.
Distress call
The tracker allows a quick and effective way for your lone workers or officers in the field to indicate distress. In an emergency, they can either activate a panic button on the device to instantly notify of duress or, if prolonged inactivity is detected, rely on the 3D accelerometer profile that will automatically alert the head office with a man-down mode.
How it works
Personal Tracker is a small, lightweight device that can be attached to a pocket or a belt. It is motion-sensitive and will activate once movement is detected, whether the person is on foot or in a vehicle.
The device notifies of impact or free fall, movement or standstill, check-in or check-out.
Battery Charge
A single charge can last 10 – 24 hours, depending on the transmission frequency and the amount of movement.
Want to learn more?
“Tarkvaralahendus, mis võimaldab meil pakkuda oma klientidele paremat teenust”
Guy Broderick – APPS Transport
Värbaja ja autojuhtide koolitaja
"Yummy Catering on kaasaegne ettevõte, seega soovime, et meie partnerid oleksid samuti innovaatilised. Katsetame alati uusi tehnoloogiaid ja trende, mis aitavad meil olla efektiivsemad. Fleet Complete võimaldab meil pakkuda autojuhtidele igapäevaste tööülesannete täitmiseks innovaatilisi lahendusi."
Leno Cardoso - Yummy Catering
"B&P omab 200 sõiduki suurust autoparki ja meil on üle 400 jälgitava seadme. Meil oli raske kõigil seadmetel silma peal hoida."
James Hinton - B&P
Tervise ja ohutuse juht
Leiame teie ettevõttele sobiliku lahenduse!
Aitame teid innovaatiliste lahendustega, et saaksite efektiivsemalt autoparki, masinaid ja liikuvat meeskonda juhtida.