Learn about Fleet Complete Time Tracker – a cost-effective solution for resource management, designed to automate employee time sheets, estimate project costs and timelines, and improve billing accuracy.

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Modules & Features

Intelligent administration

Access up-to-date time sheets of individual employees and oversee the performance of multiple workers assigned to a project. Improve workload distribution and decrease overtime costs.

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Time clock re-invented

Time Tracker is a state-of-the-art solution for tracking travel time and working hours. Ideal for businesses with mobile employees, it records all activities from start to finish and allocates resources to specific projects

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Tracking of project cost

With the automatic administration of resources, you are able to compare the actual project costs against its initial estimates and accurately manage expectations regarding delivery times and budgets, as the project moves along.

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Accurate billing and invoicing

Make fast and accurate payments with the right metrics and an integrated accounting software.

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Driver behavior patterns

The smart sensor technology of Time Tracker learns driver’s activity patterns with regards to travel and location to automatically log the duration of each activity type in their time sheet.

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The implemented tracking sensors continuously feed raw field data into the Fleet Complete portal, enabling managers to generate necessary reports and evaluate fleet and employee productivity for optimal business results.

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Want to learn more?

“Our immediate ROI with Fleet Complete has been huge. In the past, we may not have even found vehicles for months which would have cost us around $160,000 to replace.”
– Terence Schofield, Safety Officer


Tarkvaralahendus, mis võimaldab meil pakkuda oma klientidele paremat teenust”  

Guy Broderick – APPS Transport
Värbaja ja autojuhtide koolitaja


"Yummy Catering on kaasaegne ettevõte, seega soovime, et meie partnerid oleksid samuti innovaatilised. Katsetame alati uusi tehnoloogiaid ja trende, mis aitavad meil olla efektiivsemad. Fleet Complete võimaldab meil pakkuda autojuhtidele igapäevaste tööülesannete täitmiseks innovaatilisi lahendusi."

Leno Cardoso - Yummy Catering


"B&P omab 200 sõiduki suurust autoparki ja meil on üle 400 jälgitava seadme. Meil oli raske kõigil seadmetel silma peal hoida." 

James Hinton - B&P
Tervise ja ohutuse juht


Leiame teie ettevõttele sobiliku lahenduse!

Aitame teid innovaatiliste lahendustega, et saaksite efektiivsemalt autoparki, masinaid ja liikuvat meeskonda juhtida.